Artisan Single Origin Bars
Single Origin Bar 72% Fair Trade
Our 72% single origin bar is made from the finest
organic, Fair Trade beans grown in the fertile
forests of Peru. The first taste is a burst of rich,
bold chocolate flavor which awakens the palate
and gradually subsides. Slight shades of freshness
linger to provide a most memorable tasting
Single Origin Bar 65% Dark
Our 65% chocolate is made with white cocoa
beans found in the Piura region of Peru. This
unique flavored chocolate has a complex dark
berry flavor together with a tart fruitiness, which
truly makes it one of our customer favorites.
Single Origin Milk Bar 41% Fair Trade
Our 41% single origin milk bar is made from the
finest organic, Fair Trade beans grown in the
fertile forests of Peru. Subtlely roasted, these
unique cacoa beans result in a soft and mellow
chocolate that offers a milky smoothness, and
follows with unmistakeable rich chocolate flavor.